A Legacy of Papa Jack Taylor

The Father/Son paradigm is the divine pattern for the universe. It is the essence of the Kingdom of God.

The Sonslink network is an attempt to restore this reality to the Body of Christ by modeling the Father/Son relationship among men and women.

Our goals are to:

  • Connect
Relationships are the currency of the Kingdom. We desire to establish and maintain authentic, personal relationships for mutual support and actual encouragement. Sonslink begins with connecting for vital, life-changing fellowship.

  • Communicate
Maintaining relationships requires communication and participation in one anothers' lives. This website, emails, and events provide opportunities for transmitting not only information but the impartation of what God is doing in us with others.

  • Complement
Sonslink is complete when we work together to advance the Kingdom and bring glory to God. The Father/Son paradim is fulfilled when we serve the Lord by serving one another together. Together we can do what we cannot do alone.

Want to know more?

Click the About link to learn more …

©Sonslink 2024
